The Feeling

Sometimes you get this feeling that you are part of something big. You can feel it underneath you, growing, expanding … consuming. There comes a point where you need to commit. That is where I find myself. I could bail out now and preserve myself, I could end up in the whitewash a horrible mess … or I could ride this wave and experience everything it has to offer.

I am choosing to ride this wave!

(photo credit

Change is in the air

If you follow me on twitter you may have noticed a theme over the past several weeks about opportunity, change, risk, etc. Over the past several months I have come across several opportunities and none of them have been the right fit. That is until now.

I started working at my current job with Take Charge America a little over a year ago. Now it is time for this to come to an end so that a new chapter in my professional career can begin. I really love the fact that I have nothing bad to say about my current employer, they have been awesome to me and I couldn’t have asked for anything more.

So if my job is so great why change? Mostly because the new opportunity presents three key factors that I just couldn’t pass up. Growth, freedom and compensation. I will be working on a new project from the ground up, literally we will be putting together the development/test/source control environments in the coming weeks. Also it will be done in C#/ASP.NET which is my strongest skill set right now. Further it keeps with my strong belief in web applications. We will be creating a web app to replace a desktop application that is currently installed in 4 different states. I have always believed in the zero footprint nature of web applications and will be working for a company that feels the same way. Freedom, once all the initial planning and design process has taken place I will be able to work remotely a large percentage of the time which will also allow me to travel while working. Compensation, it never hurts when there are more digits in your paycheck πŸ™‚

So wish me luck, there is incredible risk in the move I am making but with that comes great possibilities!


“We rest here while we can, but we hear the ocean calling in our dreams, And we know by the morning, the wind will fill our sails to test the seams, The calm is on the water and part of us would linger by the shore, For ships are safe in harbor, but that’s not what ships are for.”

Sometimes Life Just Needs a Good Soundtrack

Today morning seemed to come way too early. Was it my job? I have actually been blessed to work at a great company with great people, so nope. Was it my personal life? I just spent all weekend enjoying good times with great people, so nope. Was it my body? I did just do 160 lunges on Saturday so my legs were a little sore, and my right foot hurt a little, so maybe this had a little to do with it.

As the snooze button kept reappearing in my life every 5 minutes 5:30 quickly became 6:05.

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Staying LinkedIn via RSS

Many of us join different social networking sites to interact with our network and stay current. LinkedIn is another one of these tools with a more professional bend to it.

Blogs have also become part of my ritual, and hence RSS feeds. Now we have a match made in heaven. I took the LinkedIn updates RSS feeds and plugged it into my Google RSS reader account.

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Remote Debugging with IIS6 and VS2008

Why I needed this

  • Save time when deploying – in the past when I would post my little hobby projects to the web I would sometimes get errors and spend hours trying to figure out why.
  • Improve my skill set in the full system – building web pages and code files is all fine and dandy in a development environment but if you don’t understand the full system then finding problems in a production environment can take much longer.
  • Had a problem when deploying locally – My project was working on my local IIS but when deployed to a real server 2003 running IIS6 it only showed a yellow screen of death. Continue reading

What were you doing 7 years ago today?

A friend sent an email about where he was seven years ago today, meaning for 9/11.

I can remember it vividly. I was waking up to go in to work and my alarm clock at the time was set to play the radio to wake me up. I started to piece together that an airplane had hit one of the world trade center towers. There was much confusion about what had happened and why. On my way into work I listened to talk radio, as I commonly do, and could hear the distress in the voices of those hosting the show as well as the callers. Something just wasn’t right. By the time I made it into work everybody was crowded around a tv in our waiting room, and we watched the replay of the second plane hitting the other tower at the WTC. By now it was all very clear, this was no accident.

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After the first week…

So I have been back at work for 1 full week now, what must it be like?

The Good:

  • IT Department 
    • I am finally in an IT department and not a Sales department. This is a big plus that utilizes my business/technical skills and not my sales skills. I am not discounting the need for skills with selling, but the daily grind of trying to get people to buy something just wears on a guy.
  • Upper Management
    • I talk daily with the VP of Software development and every few days with the CIO, both of which have  an open door policy, which I haven’t exercised yet, but feel I comfortable that I can. In all my previous jobs there was very strict chain of command that had to be followed. I never felt like I was part of a team just a producer
    • I have met a few other executives from other business areas and they seem to be committed to helping people and following the vision and mission statements (you mean those things are for real??)

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