If you follow me on twitter you may have noticed a theme over the past several weeks about opportunity, change, risk, etc. Over the past several months I have come across several opportunities and none of them have been the right fit. That is until now.
I started working at my current job with Take Charge America a little over a year ago. Now it is time for this to come to an end so that a new chapter in my professional career can begin. I really love the fact that I have nothing bad to say about my current employer, they have been awesome to me and I couldn’t have asked for anything more.
So if my job is so great why change? Mostly because the new opportunity presents three key factors that I just couldn’t pass up. Growth, freedom and compensation. I will be working on a new project from the ground up, literally we will be putting together the development/test/source control environments in the coming weeks. Also it will be done in C#/ASP.NET which is my strongest skill set right now. Further it keeps with my strong belief in web applications. We will be creating a web app to replace a desktop application that is currently installed in 4 different states. I have always believed in the zero footprint nature of web applications and will be working for a company that feels the same way. Freedom, once all the initial planning and design process has taken place I will be able to work remotely a large percentage of the time which will also allow me to travel while working. Compensation, it never hurts when there are more digits in your paycheck 🙂
So wish me luck, there is incredible risk in the move I am making but with that comes great possibilities!
All I can say man is Good Luck! You have a great head on your shoulders and I am sure you will be successful in whatever you do. My thoughts about this can be summed up in this short blurb from a Robert Frost Poem:
"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference." – Robert Frost
Congrats Bobby! Where is this exciting new position? Sounds like an awesome opportunity! Good luck!
Congrats on the new opportunity!
Congratulations! And Good Luck Bobby!!
Yehhh Bobby! Congratulations! I KNOW that you will be successful in anything that you pursue, It is great that this opportunity seems to fit the next piece of the Bobby-puzzle in life.
Beautiful post Bobby! I am so happy for you. It was great to worked and learned from you. We will sure miss you tons! The web team will never be the same without you! All the best!
Bobby, I’m super happy for you! You deserve the best. Enjoy the wind in your sails. 🙂
Congratulations on this new beginning! I know success will be on your side of the road…
Thanks everyone for all your support 🙂
Hey Bobby!!
Congratulations on this new adventure, it sounds like a great opportunity and I’m sure you wont regret because uncertainty leads to greater wisdom since you can always learn something new from it!
Best of luck on this new endeavor!
WOW!!! You crazy Americans are always so damn successful!! Congratulations!! – Susanne