Shooting Stars

shooting-stars-at-maito-jalisco I have just spent a week on the beach in San Diego. I have only been here a couple times and usually very short trips and usually filled with busyness. So what has this trip done for me? It has made me realize again that sometimes you only get that one fleeting moment to see life at it’s greatest. And when that thing happens you have to be awake(mentally) enough to see it. Further you have to be able to appreciate the little things that life has in store for you.

The closest thing that I can relate it to is a shooting star.

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Change is in the air

If you follow me on twitter you may have noticed a theme over the past several weeks about opportunity, change, risk, etc. Over the past several months I have come across several opportunities and none of them have been the right fit. That is until now.

I started working at my current job with Take Charge America a little over a year ago. Now it is time for this to come to an end so that a new chapter in my professional career can begin. I really love the fact that I have nothing bad to say about my current employer, they have been awesome to me and I couldn’t have asked for anything more.

So if my job is so great why change? Mostly because the new opportunity presents three key factors that I just couldn’t pass up. Growth, freedom and compensation. I will be working on a new project from the ground up, literally we will be putting together the development/test/source control environments in the coming weeks. Also it will be done in C#/ASP.NET which is my strongest skill set right now. Further it keeps with my strong belief in web applications. We will be creating a web app to replace a desktop application that is currently installed in 4 different states. I have always believed in the zero footprint nature of web applications and will be working for a company that feels the same way. Freedom, once all the initial planning and design process has taken place I will be able to work remotely a large percentage of the time which will also allow me to travel while working. Compensation, it never hurts when there are more digits in your paycheck 🙂

So wish me luck, there is incredible risk in the move I am making but with that comes great possibilities!


“We rest here while we can, but we hear the ocean calling in our dreams, And we know by the morning, the wind will fill our sails to test the seams, The calm is on the water and part of us would linger by the shore, For ships are safe in harbor, but that’s not what ships are for.”

Found a JPG to animated GIF convertor – Think Triple Shot

I have a good friend who introduced me to the timed triple shot. Basically you setup your camera in a solid place and wait 10 sec for the first picture. then three seconds later the second shot, and finally another three seconds the third and final shot. In order to give these justice you have to animate them. I did some searching and found to be up to the task. They have far to many popup ads embedded in the site but if your images aren’t too big it works great…enjoy:


after our first tasting for the day…don’t miss the tiger..that’s me 🙂

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Stream of Random from Napa Trip

Hey Napa Peeps,

I just have to say that I had very low expectations for this weekend and it was far better than I could have ever imagined. If you would have told me that we would have had such an amazing time at happy hour I would have never believed it. In order to celebrate it I thought I would list out some random things about our weekend that I look forward to keeping in my memory. Great trip everybody!!

The List:

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Pranking Little Joe in Dublin

Little Joe was taking some time to rest up (Cupcake Monday) and we decided to have some new friends pull a prank. We were staying at Kinlay House in Dublin and had 5 people in a six bed room. We were worried that they would mistakenly sell that open bunk to some stranger. We sent the new friends up to the room with our key and Maverick recording.

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Heavy Hearted, I am Human

I went to a funeral in Chicago over the weekend. I was going partly to pay my respects and partly to support someone I love and care for very much. Her dad had pancreatic cancer and passed away last Saturday. The last funeral that I had been to was in 2003 when my grandfather passed away. Not really sure what reactions I was going to have I tried to stay level headed.

There have been some major changes in my life recently and some of these thoughts weighed heavy in my heart.

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Valet parking, is it worth it?

If you know Nicole and I we like to spend money but we are also notoriously frugal. For the longest time we have never used bellman, valet services when we stay at places. Why pay for something that we can do ourselves. So we stayed at Sunset Station in Vegas last weekend (which is a whole post on its own) and decided to partake in the valet services for the weekend. Continue reading