Shooting Stars

shooting-stars-at-maito-jalisco I have just spent a week on the beach in San Diego. I have only been here a couple times and usually very short trips and usually filled with busyness. So what has this trip done for me? It has made me realize again that sometimes you only get that one fleeting moment to see life at it’s greatest. And when that thing happens you have to be awake(mentally) enough to see it. Further you have to be able to appreciate the little things that life has in store for you.

The closest thing that I can relate it to is a shooting star.

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Found a JPG to animated GIF convertor – Think Triple Shot

I have a good friend who introduced me to the timed triple shot. Basically you setup your camera in a solid place and wait 10 sec for the first picture. then three seconds later the second shot, and finally another three seconds the third and final shot. In order to give these justice you have to animate them. I did some searching and found to be up to the task. They have far to many popup ads embedded in the site but if your images aren’t too big it works great…enjoy:


after our first tasting for the day…don’t miss the tiger..that’s me 🙂

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Sometimes Life Just Needs a Good Soundtrack

Today morning seemed to come way too early. Was it my job? I have actually been blessed to work at a great company with great people, so nope. Was it my personal life? I just spent all weekend enjoying good times with great people, so nope. Was it my body? I did just do 160 lunges on Saturday so my legs were a little sore, and my right foot hurt a little, so maybe this had a little to do with it.

As the snooze button kept reappearing in my life every 5 minutes 5:30 quickly became 6:05.

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