If you know Nicole and I we like to spend money but we are also notoriously frugal. For the longest time we have never used bellman, valet services when we stay at places. Why pay for something that we can do ourselves. So we stayed at Sunset Station in Vegas last weekend (which is a whole post on its own) and decided to partake in the valet services for the weekend. Continue reading
Monthly Archives: August 2008
Windows XP SP3, whats the scoop
I have been hearing about this on several podcasts over the last 8-12 weeks, some ok and some very bad. So today I got the notice on the desktop and my laptop (not nicoles) that SP3 was ready to come in. I brought in the help of my Microsoft Home Server to do an incremental full drive image before I undertook the potential clusterf*$k of SP3 and then said, 'OK', do the update. So as I am writing this I have completed the SP3 update for the desktop and everything seems to be ok. One suttle difference I have noticed is the support for a larger desktop in RDP (remote desktop). I recently upgraded to a massive 30" monitor for the desktop but all of my power apps reside on my ultra protable laptop, so I still use it for all of my main computing source. Prior to SP3 the RDP connection resulted in a view of the laptop with about 15% of each side of the desktop lopped off with black bars, kinda like a letterbox DVD viewed on a regular TV where they lop off about 15% of the top and bottom to have good symetry. However since SP3 (about 10 min ago) the remote desktop connection mysteriously supports full screen support for my ultra large monitor. Not sure what else it will provide but for me this is awesome.
My View Coming in Every Day….
Sure love the Red, White and Blue!!!
After the first week…
So I have been back at work for 1 full week now, what must it be like?
The Good:
- IT Department
- I am finally in an IT department and not a Sales department. This is a big plus that utilizes my business/technical skills and not my sales skills. I am not discounting the need for skills with selling, but the daily grind of trying to get people to buy something just wears on a guy.
- Upper Management
- I talk daily with the VP of Software development and every few days with the CIO, both of which have an open door policy, which I haven’t exercised yet, but feel I comfortable that I can. In all my previous jobs there was very strict chain of command that had to be followed. I never felt like I was part of a team just a producer
- I have met a few other executives from other business areas and they seem to be committed to helping people and following the vision and mission statements (you mean those things are for real??)
Windows Home Server, it is awesome!
So I have been using a NAS to store my pictues/music/video and misc shared data for the last year. I am aware of what a network attached storage device needs to perform for the home PC user. Further I have a non-techie (Nicole) in my home to let me know if things don’t just work like they should. So I installed the HP MediaSmartServer over a week ago to perform backups, share folders and provide remote access to my home network. How does it work? I will explain Continue reading
Language converter, Priceless!!!
So I haven’t actually used this at work yet, but found it last night. I have been coding in C# for the last few years, but have been aware that other dot.net languages have some differing functionality and popularity. Sorry but I am not looking to go further down the path and learn C++ or other more verbose languages, so for me this is a stepping stone. I want to look more at the business side of things. So I was asked at my new job to come up with a simple web application (which I love the webApp idea) to display some results that query some web services that hook into the main program at my place of employment. Continue reading