Staying LinkedIn via RSS

Many of us join different social networking sites to interact with our network and stay current. LinkedIn is another one of these tools with a more professional bend to it.

Blogs have also become part of my ritual, and hence RSS feeds. Now we have a match made in heaven. I took the LinkedIn updates RSS feeds and plugged it into my Google RSS reader account.

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Marathon Training Time and the Replenishment Meal After

All right so I was catching up on twitter after my run and noticed a tweet from @halo_slippin and thought, perfect idea I will show him what I am doing and he can tell me how bad it is for me. Or something like that.

First off the results of the run were 145 minutes or 2 hours 25 minutes to run 14.0 miles. Very close to the time I would need to finish the marathon in 4.5 hours. However after running at that speed for that long there is no way I could make the full 26.2 and keep up that speed. So I will be happy to be under 5 hours.

Also beware there are lots and lots of pictures with this post and an official RFC for @halo_slippin or Dr Halo or Dr slippin I don’t know. Lets start with  the picture of the finish of the run

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New Training tool for my BlackBerry Curve – SpeedOmeter by Adapta

I found this great little tool on CrackBerry the other day and finally got a chance to try it. I used it in the car on the way to work today. It kept very, very close to the mileage and speed that the car registered. So I decided to give it a try on my run tonight. Great tool instead of buying one of those overpriced GPS watches.

Now if someone can explain to me how the blackberry can track satellites while being buried in my fanny pack, that would be great.

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I Bricked my BlackBerry Curve 8310, now what?

I have been having some very strange issues with my blackberry starting around December 8th. The phone started dying very quickly, the GPS stopped working all together, and certain web pages started throwing uncaught exceptions. If you don’t know by now I live and die by my blackberry, and I do consider myself a power user so all of the above problems really did matter.

these are the steps that I went through that eventually ended up with my bricked phone:

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