The Feeling

Sometimes you get this feeling that you are part of something big. You can feel it underneath you, growing, expanding … consuming. There comes a point where you need to commit. That is where I find myself. I could bail out now and preserve myself, I could end up in the whitewash a horrible mess … or I could ride this wave and experience everything it has to offer.

I am choosing to ride this wave!

(photo credit

Hang Flat Panel

As of late (last 9 months) I am not a big TV watcher. However I happen to come back into possession of a TV that I own. And so it was time to get this little baby off the floor and put it where it belongs. You must understand that this was something that I have delayed because it just really didn’t matter. Anyways time to mount the TV. I ordered the wall mount late on a Tuesday night and who coulda guessed that Amazon had a shipping center in Phoenix?? Mount arrived Thursday afternoon!

So very excited to tackle a project and work with my hands I set forth on Thursday night…and it went a little something like this..


This was the borrowed TV that I had that needed to go.

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I Bricked my BlackBerry Curve 8310, now what?

I have been having some very strange issues with my blackberry starting around December 8th. The phone started dying very quickly, the GPS stopped working all together, and certain web pages started throwing uncaught exceptions. If you don’t know by now I live and die by my blackberry, and I do consider myself a power user so all of the above problems really did matter.

these are the steps that I went through that eventually ended up with my bricked phone:

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ESL – Newegg Style

Just recently purchased an item from (one of my new favorite online stores) and got the wrong item. After going back and forth several times they finally understood that they need to issue me a refund. They also need to send me a return shipping label, but that is another few emails away apparently. This is the exact text of the email confirming this

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What the f*ck is Dual Link DVI…and why does it matter

So I purchased a new PC in the last few weeks that is awesome. It goes along with my monster monitor that was recently added to the home. So now it is time to move it into my (PC) closet so that my office once again looks nice and clean. when I prepared this custom built office a couple years back I buried all of the wires in the wall, and thought I had future proofed it, sadly that is not the case. I soon discovered that without the right cabling my new monitor could not achieve full resolution.

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Floppy disks aren’t dead yet

If you have been following I recently did some major damage to my laptop. I will be getting a new desktop before long and figured I would just virtualize my laptop and work on it that way instead of remote desktop (which still works fine). Being that my trusty home server backs up all of my computers nightly I decided what a novel idea to just use a Windows Home Server image and restore to a VM(geek speak for virtual machine) instead of a physical computer.

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What were you doing 7 years ago today?

A friend sent an email about where he was seven years ago today, meaning for 9/11.

I can remember it vividly. I was waking up to go in to work and my alarm clock at the time was set to play the radio to wake me up. I started to piece together that an airplane had hit one of the world trade center towers. There was much confusion about what had happened and why. On my way into work I listened to talk radio, as I commonly do, and could hear the distress in the voices of those hosting the show as well as the callers. Something just wasn’t right. By the time I made it into work everybody was crowded around a tv in our waiting room, and we watched the replay of the second plane hitting the other tower at the WTC. By now it was all very clear, this was no accident.

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New Project

So I decided to tackle a new project. And just for kicks thought I would throw in some pictures. This is the before shot


So those of you who have been over know that there is normally a treadmill in this spot, so what is going on here? Why is there blue tape on the wall?

Well first I had to make a big mess, because that’s what guys do when working on projects. This also involved getting out every tool that I own, just to prove to my other half that I really did need to get them.

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